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Wednesday, December 29, 2010

If you ever know

If you ever know...
If you ever know
That I’m a bad person
Is there will be a single space for me inside your deep heart core?

If you ever know
That I’ll go away from your life
After all the promises that I had promised weren’t true
Do you still have even a piece of love for me?

If you ever know
I had put my loyalty at the highest peak for the love that we had built.

At the same time
I keep on seeking for the truth of life
To be grateful with what I have now
And to grab the dreams that we had dreamt before.

If you ever know
That I still need you
And I still love you.
But I also wonder if you still love me like before
Or the otherwise had happen.

Because I know
The path that I had chosen
Makes me hurt you
As I want to chase after the true love
The love towards the Greatest Creator
The noble love that dreamed by Mankind
Who realized about it.

Will you be there and give a support for me?
Will you do the same with me?
Will you wait for me?
Will the love that existed have a new breath if the moment of truth comes?
I keep on wondering
If you ever know.

p/s: so sorry if there were something wrong...
I’m an amateur poetry...
First poem in English..

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

walk through ~~~~

What a wonderful tonight.....
Even without a single star glimmering in the sky....
With a cold moderate temperate....

But, seems like I don’t have extra ‘ENERGY’ to throw out all my ideas in ruining this blog....
I feel like my soul had taken away from me…
I miss all these moments being with my beloved family…and once again, I’ll leave them…and wonder if I can be with them in such a short term of break…..

Love my family very much……

Thursday, December 9, 2010

BACK to my PLACE of BIRTH.....

Hum....how are you? How do you do?
It’s been to long that i’m not back to my place of birth...
Where? Kota kinabalu...
Flight AK6129 yg berlepas dr lapangan terbang tawau pada pukul 9.35 malam mendarat di lapangan terbang kota kinabalu pada pukul ndak tau brapa....sebabnya, stewardess tuh ckp gneyh...
“sebentar lagi kita akan mendarat di lapangan terbang kota kinabalu.bla bla bla..”tah apa g dia merapu dlm bhasa inggeris tuh...
Aa rasa bhagia dah time tuh...apa ndaknya...sudahlah pilot tuh bawak p jalan grabel, siap bwk cm willie2 lagi oh...aq buat mukak dono jak...bca bku Membina personality terbilang karya dr HM TUAH ISKANDAR..Dlm ati, aduina......Tuhan sak tau o..... budak cina sorg yang duk sebelah aq tuh bukan men lg mcm memngeras dah...takut lah tuh....hahaha...dia mo cover mukaknya, tp aq dpt bca yang dia memg tkut dh time tuh...selain tuh, aq bahagia sebab, selalunya, 3 jam lebih woh aq dlm flight...{3 ka 2?aq pun antam sak} tp memg lama kan lau flight direct dr tawau p KL....
Tp aq airan juak neyh....tuh stewardess tuh ckp sebentar lag mo mendarat....tp MC NDAK NAMPAK LAGI LAMPU2 DI DARATAN....rupanya, pilotnya lum dpt kc darat kapal disebabkan cuaca yang kurang baik...
Alahamdulillah, selamat juak kami mendarat..tp hujan juak time tuh...sampai jak, ada dh uncle aq tggu di luar gate..yeh...direct lah nek keta n p check in otel luk....
Aq Tgk sekeliling ku, fulamak...bukan alang2...kk makin maju dr hari ke hari...pdaal aq bru setahun lebih x balik ke sini...hospital pat aq lahir luk, pon laen sak udah ku tgk tuh...
Jalan makin liku2...
Bangunan makin tinggi2
Suhu semakin meningkat
Kereta banyak sgt
Parking????tau2 lah....
Tp memg best.....makanan dia bukan alang2....aq dr aria q dtg sampai ke hari neyh...aq tau melantak kueh tiaw jak...suma jenis masakan kueh tiaw udah ku test...
Kueh tiaw....................kau di hati ku..hihihihi....
So, dah aq xda keja mok di buat time d bilik nginapan neyh...berhasil juaklah aq berkarya>>>>>more to meluah perasaan.....sebab keboringan yang teraaaaaaaaaamat melanda jiwa neyh....
LAU XDA HALANGAN, ADIK PUPUKU yg ku saying mo dtg petang neyh....
Ok..till net time....

I love

Sunday, November 28, 2010

sHariNg is CaRiNg....

assalamualaikum sygQ...
 akhirnya tercapai jugak hasratmmu untuk berjauhan dengan q...walaupon ati and perasaan Q sedikit terluka aq relakan ko pergi....aq relakan ko pergi mengejar cita-citamukerana aq tau, ko tinggalkan aq hanya tuk sementara kan?
aq mengimpikan kita akan dapat belajar bersama, naik n jatuh bersama...tp suma tinggal impian and harapan yang tidak akan menjadi kenyataan.
  hanya satu impian and harapan ku yang tinggal...aq harapkan kita dapat jadikannya kenyataan. syg Q, jauh di lubuk hati ini, aq ingin mendirikan rumah tangga bersamamu. membina masjid bersamamu dan hidup beekeluarga dengan mu. aq tau syg, ko juga mengharapkan yg sama dariku..kekalkanlah cinta ini dan kita akan kecapi  impian itu. aq syg ko, aq cintakn ko. aq sangat perlukan ko dan aq ingin ko jadi suri dalam atiku tuk selamannya...

sesampainya ko di sana nanti, ingatlah suma pesanan ku, pesanan parent mu, dan pesanan yang lain..
guna lah tasbih ini dan basahi bibirmu dengan zikrullah kepadaNya...
aQ mohon padamu, jagalah amal mu, jagalah auratmu, jagalah agamamu, jagalah maruahmu dan jagalah cinta ini...

Hargailah airmata yang pernah gugur dari mataku ini...

Warkah buat ADAM:
*Jangankan manusia biasa, sedang nabi juga resah tanpa HAWA
*lelaki juga perlukan sokongan hawa
*jangan cuba menjinakkan hawa dengan harta, kerana nanti dia menjadi liar....
*jangan hiburkan mereka dengan kecantikan, kerana mereka akan derita.

Warkah buat HAWA:
*jangan jadikan kelembutan sebagai kelemahan
*wanita yang lupa akan asal usulnya tidak akan terhibur dan menghiburkan.
*tanpa Iman, Ilmu akan bengkok.
*pimpinlah diri sendiri sebelum memimmpin orang lain

*jika kamu masih remaja, pimpinlah diri sendiri dahulu, dan jadilah anak yang solehah. jika kamu menjadi isteri, jadilah isteri yang taat. dan seandainya ko menjadi ibu, didiklah anakmu agar mereka tidak gentar menegakkan syiar ISLAM.
Seandainya engkau belum berkahwin, janganlah risau dengan janji Allah S.W.T.

jalan kebahagian ada di depanmu. carilah ia dalam lautan ilmu, amal soleh dan akhlaq yang mulia. bersikap objektif dalam setiap hal, nescaya engkau akan bahagia......

Nukilan semata-mata.......

Thursday, November 18, 2010

camping at BEntong PAhang....

I'm happy and feeling gratefully because I still can have this fresh air around me....
k, this story might be an old story. But I like to share it... Well, know 2.55am...
I still can't sleep.. I thought I got insomania...wawawawa...i don't know...maybe this was my hobby since i became a secondary student and now as ipt student....
by the way, i would like to take this opportunity to update my blog..hihihi..

like what i have state as my tittle of post for today, 'camping at Bentong, Pahang'...

This camp was held on 15th of October until 17th of October 2010....in Dusun Eco Resort in bentong, Pahang.
at the same time, this was also my first trip to Pahang...cool ehh...Hahaha...well, Perantau lah katakan...
This camp was a leadership of consumerism's camp... Narrow it, it was for a smart consumer like me..yehahaa.... credit for me...
Hihikhik..No lah.. this camp for surely all about consumerism...But i really do realize that this camp wasn't like other camp...besides the main point of this camp, it also consist of soul 'pengisian'...Sorry..i keep thinking for 15 minute to find the actual term, but i can't get it..hihihi...well, amateur writer lah Katakan...

8 ipt's joining this programme. IPIS(my ipt), IPBM, IPTEK, IPAA, UPSI, UIA(GOMBAK), UPM, and last but not the least, IIC....

from left, kak Mun, Farol, Fendi, Aiman(orange's shirt), Muaz(red's shirt), Syami, Fiy(me lah...)..adn last but not the least, Khadijah....I just mention her but she wasn't there...she got something to do during that time.

 this one, are my team member....forget to mention, all of us are divided into several groups....our groups are groups number 9 and then we changed it to Integrity. From left, Hafiz(team leader), Nasrul, Hidayat....The rest are girls...but so sorry coz I didn't have our pictures..humm...anyway, this was the best group i ever had..

INTEGRITY'S paNtun....Hihiihiih...

Smart kan???isk3...hihihihi.....
 Teacher Fiy....yehaaa.....with flowers...i don't know lah what flower is this..hihihihi
Nature lover's posing......I lIKe this so much.......

besides that, we also have videos on Rasa Sayang's song....

haaa......creative and inovative erkkk,,, this camp also provide us further information about consumerism.
moreover, all activities that have been held were awesome, attractive and effective... well, i got the effect...hihhih...

let gone be by gone........enjoy looking at these pictures....
to women's hostel

another chalet and swimming pool....

yeah.....morning sight of Dusun eco Resort.....

this is chalet CHUMILLL...hihihihi...

last but not the least, morning sight and also a bougainvilla's flower...like this moment so much......

I hope all the input that I got in joining this camp useful and I would like to share it with my friends and insyaALLAH i will delivery it to my future students.....

end of the story......

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Childhood Memories by, teacher to be.......

Childhood memories
         Everyone has their own memories. As human being, memories play an important role in our daily life. It’s a natural phenomenon that sometimes could be sad or sweet. I would like to share about my childhood memories with my friends. Some of the memories that I would like to share are, the memories of doing everything together with friends, being afraid of my older family members and last but not least, how I overcome my sadness by remembering sweet memories.
         First and foremost, during my childhood, I like to do everything together with my friend either it is good or bad. I still remember what had happened when we went out to the nearest playground and we saw an old woman carrying a huge luggage. My friend, Hashim offered to help her carry her luggage. After we sent the old lady to her house, she thanked us. On the other hand, because of our naughty behaviour, Hashim’s leg had broken when he was 10 years old. He fell from a rambutan tree beside our house. My, mom already warned us not to climb the tree but we did not listen to her. After all what we had done together, the memory is still fresh in my mind as our friendship is still bonded together.
         Hashim and I were best friends and very afraid to face my mom. Not because she was fierce but because she was strict and we were too naughty during that time. Once, I had found a pair of scissors. After that, i called Hashim and we went to our backyard and I started cutting Hashim’s hair. We laughed loudly because of Hashim new hair style was very funny and my mom heard us. When my mom caught us, each of us got a ‘candy’ or also known as rattan cane from her. During those days, our neighbourhood treated each other’s children as theirs. So, Hashim’s parents did not mind what my mom had done to him. Thank to mum because her ‘candies’ were really meaningful in teaching us to become useful individuals.
      Now, we are no longer study together and lived in the same neighbourhood. Hashim and his family moved to Australia because his father got promoted. When he moved to America, I was sad because I lost my best friend. With recalling sweet memories, I can forget my sadness. So, during sadness, depression, a trip down memory lane sure will help me boost my enthusiasm. Then when I joined a boarding school programme, once again I was so sad because I was far apart from my hometown, friends and my family. Sometimes, I will open my album that I had brought a long and watch ideas that we took when there were on any occasion that bring us together such as Hari Raya Aidilfitri celebration. With this, I could forget my sadness and my yearns towards my beloved family and my best friend.
     Different person have different thought about memories. But most of us tend to remember our childhood. Memories that created in childhood have more meaningful lessons for certain times. It is because it was a part of our beginning in knowing everything around us very well. Thus, memories bring a big impact to somebody’s life in order to keep us grow older with sweet memories as I am grown up with memories that I had with my friends, lessons I got that remain in my mind and vanishing my sadness with the power of memories.           


Saturday, October 30, 2010

MY life in IPIS......

Hmm...its been too long i've not updating this blog....since i lost my mood because of the particular guy..
but, know i come back...n think i want to share about my life in this campus....the most beautiful, peaceful and harmonies place....the IPGM KAMPUS PENDIDIKAN ISLAM.

    At here, i've meet my new friends, my new path of life and the true chosen pathway for truly muslimah InsyaALLAH....  i'm happy to be here..thank God because HE answered my prayers....Alhamdulillah i'm doing well here since 3 months ago....

    i'm rarely talking bout my friend right? but today i'll introduce them to all of u. people who helped me a lot in case i got problems... by the way, their helped were very meant to me.....

first of all, this is azam...my kind hearted class rep(representative)..
the eldest among all of us in the class...open minded person...and u'll rarely look his stressed faces..because he always be happy...i dont know why...hihihi...his full name is, Mior Mohd Azam....
but.....please beware when he get angry,,,,cz sometimes he is unpredictable person...=)

Here we go.....this particular gurl with innocent face is called sheyr....
her fullname is Nursheyreen.... MOST happy-go-lucky gurl in our class...she likes to sing a korean song....dancing of course and last but least, she is dreadfully admired the TVXQ artist or whatever.....cz i dunt have any idea what it is....as i know, she even CRIED when she knew that the day she went back to Sabah to celebrate her sis's wedding day, at the airport, actually the TVXQ artist also there.....she was also just like Azam..unpredictable person......But we liked to bullied her....her famous quote "kamu pikir saya senyum saya suka?"


      yeahhh...this is bainun...kindly simply person.... she came from sarawak....Teacher bai..... I always seeking for help from her....and she will helped me as she could. this was her famous posed...Hihihi...We take this picture when we were on the way back to our hostel after having lunch at the nearest restaurant...
This gurl also from sarawak.....nisa'........short term for DAYANG KHAIRUNNISHA.....
thanked God when i take this picture she was smiling. if not..humm..her faced make me trauma n scared....~~~Hihihihi~~~
just kidding...she got wonderful voices....and only person got a luck that could hear her voice....

ok...ONLY THIS FOR TODAY.....insyaAllah to be continued....
love ya ALL friends...................

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Back from the future........

ASsalamualaikum.......HOW R U?
hope korg suma ok2 ja....
Actually.......aq ada cter nk kongsi......Biasa R........tp ney cter time aq kna PAKSArela to join the asean school games opening ceremony and Merdeka day....
Aq sEbenarnya konpius Jugak Ney..... Either write in english or Malay...... But aq HANtam sajalah.......aq punya post....aq punya blog.....ADA KU KESAH?
patutnya today aq nk happy2.....coz tomorrow i'll go back to my BeloVed institution......IPGM KPI.....best woooo.......ipg ney mang best.....but....unfortunately, adalah makhluk Tuhan ney yg wt aq sakit ati....So, disamping aq nk sharing2 kt blog ney,Jgn lak Eran lau ada terkasar bhasa k?????? Raya kan sebulan lg.....Aq mta mf lg r nti ble aq ada tsilap...heheheh.....

the story begin like this........dulu.....awal2 bulan yg ktaorg pas abis mggu MPPB ------>aq Lupa dh apa kepanjangan dia.alah...mggu orentasi......and mggu usrah...ktorg ney adalah dgr crita n kbar2 angin yg mengatakan ktorg kna ikot wt human graphic.....time tuh pon dah start bengang.....human graphic???? mcm2 idea timbul tuk describe bnda jadah ney......tibalah hari yg ktorg kna pg wt latihan.....pukul 5 tau 6, dh kna suh tggu kt garaj bas.....cz tempt latihan tuh jauh......d StaDIum Bola Sepak Kuala Lumpur...kt cheras.......

dh sampai kat stadium tuh......kna suh beratur la pulak......pendek kta....pihAK berkaitan tuh nk arrange ktorg......Awal2 dh kna tengking2......yg kna pg tuh suma foundation sem 1 and sem 3......ada lbh dr 1 buah ipgm yg kne pg....(aq x ingt bpe ipgm yg pg...hehehe)....so, seperti lembu kna TArik....ikut je lah arahan.....dh yg bg arahan tuh pgkat pcik2....knalah hormat kn?so, follow je r......follow punya follow punya follow......--->brapa kali pya follow lah.....dh tau r nk duk cm na....duduk kt kerusi stadium.....yg menyedihkan ialah.....ktorg kna arranged btol2 rapat gila......mcm SARdin beb....Aq Rasa sardin tuh ok g....At least sardin dlm tin tuh dh mati....dh x rse dh himpit2 ney.....ltihan dr pkul 8 gtu, sampai r pkul 3-4 ptg...aq pon dh lupa2....panas terik satu hal.....time mkn pon stu hal......time emergency nk g toilet pon stu hal....dah himpit2....payah oww nk kuar dr tmpt duduk tuh.....jap2......aq bg tgk gmbr yg aq amik ari tuh...

Hahhh...tgk2......btul kan????first time aq tgk ramai manusia dlm jarak dekat........ada lg tauuuu....

    kAN????? lau bg korg x cukup SEMPIT N SESAK........up to korg lah...... bukan korang yg rsa keperitan tuh..... yg ney bru dudukk.....lum lg kna suh angkt2 bendera ikot number....lg lah......huhuhuhu......x dpt ku nk describe kn....

 tapi......Ada gak r sempat aq berhappy2 ngn teman2 aq yg se-ipg....

                                                   atiQah nama dia......budak sabah jgk.....

      yAng dpan aq ney....wanie.....budak kl.....bakal guru ngajar bhasa arab........
  blakang dia pon masih jurusan yg sma.......nma dia syikin......budak sabah jgak....
abezlah cita aq sal asean school games pya opening cereMONY....NK TAU SAL MERDEKA PUNYA CTER???????
aq nk bg tau but mata aq dah x ngizinkan......
but don't worry......t aq story2 lg erkkkkk....


Friday, September 17, 2010

2010...raya celebration.......

Alhamdulillah.....After an hour.... i succeed to create this blog by myself and also with help from my friends...
first of all, how was your raya this year? i hope all of u have a greatest moment in celebrating raya with ur beloved person...... But for me, this was the first time for me in celebrating raya away from my beloved family and bestfriends.. Why?
coz this year i've started continuing my studies in peninsular Malaysia... Meaning to say, i'm not Balik KAMpung....heheheh...
but its ok....Coz, i followed my friends and back to her hometown in Muar, Johor...
thanked to my friend bcoz 'sharing' her family with me...heheh..... But, I'm so sorry cz i didn't have any picture taken in raya day....

i've got many story2 to share...so, keep follow me...hik3....
Emm.....THese are my beloved....but my fifth sister are not in this picture coz she's the one who captured this pic....heheheh....
from the left.... Nany, jiejie, my mum, my dad, and my only brother, hafiz......

This girl, Really make my world turn upsides down....why??????and who is she?????
she is my youngest child......upppsssss........no Lah.....she is my youngest sister...her name is Nur irzwanie and also known as WaWa or BeBeng...hehehe... she's the poison and she's also the medicine.....
Now she is 2 YEARS OLD....But she's really expert in making me angry with her words.....nevermind, She is just a kid.....And i miss her so much.........

last but not least......
IT'S me....... My name is Nurirfiney bte E.Hairoland Fredo.......
I'm sinokadazan..... i was born in QUEEN ELIZABETH's HOSPITAL KOTA KINABALU...
on 4th of june 1992.....
maybe that can help u in remembering me....
almost forget, u can call me Fiy ....
that's all for raya's stories and my family background....